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Messages - astroman

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Oh, I see. Thank you for clarifying Archie. If I wish to have the effect of the patch with a SLC driver, is it best to wait for 3.97f and then re-build my project from scratch?

Archie, your patch has worked wonderfully so far. I have 2 CLX plants up and running with no issues. Thank you.

However, I have tried updating the HMI for a SLC-5/05 plant with your patch and the HMI is no longer updating components at launch (and onward) on any winform. I have tried downloading version 3.97e, replacing the MfgControl file in the driver Support folder, re-building the solution and then replacing the AdvancedHMI folder with the one from my previous project (to avoid losing DataSubscribers when the application is re-built).

Is the patch limited to the CLX driver, or should it function with the PLCSLC driver as well? Thank you again for your support.

Thank you again Archie, I really appreciate your support. Everything is running great right now.

Thank you very much Archie. I have swapped the files, but there appear to be some errors. I've attached a screenshot.

Hi Archie. I ran the program for a while and I captured several logs while waiting for the message (much of the time, a good number of components were no longer updating). Here's one such log:

Unfortunately, I paused the capture seconds before the connection closed. I  did, however, capture the message at the time of closing. The capture is No. 106. I've attached this Wireshark capture as a separate file (my PLC address is, for filtering purposes).

By any chance, is there something else I could try? I'm no longer getting "Read failed" messages, but I am getting a frequent "No response from PLC(21)" message. Subsequently, the connection closes.

Thank you very much Archie. I'll go ahead and modify my other projects and see how it goes.

Hm, I see. What would be the ideal way to evaluate conditions using multiple tags? I mentioned an example in which I may have 2 different tags (say Tag1 and Tag2) and a belt color depends on both conditions or one of the two being true.

For the moment, I have added additional DataSubscribers and I'm using the returned values within other DataSubscribers. Is this more efficient than reading tags directly?

This occurs with both drivers. Would reading with code pose an issue? I have a number of components which depend on multiple tags (e.g. belt color is green when tags 1 and 2 are true, gray when only tag 1 is true, yellow when tag 2 is true, etc.). With the SLC driver, pre-built controls occasionally display the 'Read Failed' message. 

I've been working on a number of AdvancedHMI projects for the past two months, but I have been unable to circumvent the 'Read Failed - Result=-20' message. I use SLC and CLX drivers and I mainly run version 3.97d. I use roughly 30 DataSubsribers per project and perhaps 30-50 AdvHMI components to frequently read data. I have tried decreasing poll rates (between 1000-10,000 ms) and I've used multiple drivers with large poll rate spreads. Some projects will run for a day or two with no issues, others will run only for several minutes. Sometimes, the components will simply stop updating with no warnings.

Are there general guidelines to maintain connection and avoid 'Read Failed' issues? Am I simply using too many components? I use Try-Catch blocks for all read-write attempts within my code. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Support Questions / Re: EthernetIPforCLXCom1 "Invalid Tag"
« on: January 31, 2015, 08:58:39 AM »
That did it. Thank you very much Archie.

Support Questions / EthernetIPforCLXCom1 "Invalid Tag"
« on: January 28, 2015, 05:49:56 PM »
Hi Archie (and everyone). I've just begun a project in 3.97e using the EthernetIPforCLXCom1 driver, but suddenly my components are showing an "Invalid Tag" error. I'm using the format Program:MainProgram.On_Off_Pump
I've tried the tag in v3.97d, and everything is fine. Has there been a change to the tag structure? Thank you!

Hi Archie. Would you mind showing an example of how to use BeginRead with multiple components in conjunction with DataReceived? I understand that Read may be replaced with BeginRead (e.g. EthernetIPforPLCSLCMicroCom1.Read vs. EthernetIPforPLCSLCMicroCom1.BeginRead), but how would I process the data in a DataReceived event? Thank you very much for any clarification.

EDIT: Sorry Archie, I've found your example in this thread -

Thank you again.

I must be blind, I had never noticed the FormChangeButton. Now, memory usage doesn't increase after every form change and the transition itself is very quick. Thank you very much Archie!

Hello. I've completed several projects using AdvancedHMI and they've worked wonderfully. Unfortunately, today there was trouble at our plant and I had to switch back to RSView. Winforms simply would not open and my components would no longer update (until I restarted the PC). I think it may have something to do with the way through which I'm closing and opening winforms. Currently, I do this using show/hide (e.g. 
Code: [Select]
Dim SecondForm As New Grizzly

The program which I created had been running for ~5 days and likely ran out of memory. I've attached an Event Viewer log with the likely errors. My question is, is there a better method of switching winforms? Closing the form causes issues with the driver code (I'm using the PLCSLCMicroCom). Thank you very much for any suggestions.

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