General Category > Additional Components

Rectangle shape as AHMI control


The code is almost identical to oval shape control (found as other topic in this category).

Mainly the word "Ellipse" was changed to "Rectangle", a few minor changes to save original colors at Runtime and this control was born.

Download all 3 vb files and add them as Existing Item to PurchasedControls folder.

This control has been updated.

* Edit: Also attached is post-V399a control as of February 28, 2016 *

Hi Godra,

Great control. When they over lay I get a border around it? Can this be overcome? I have all borders removed and/or set to transparent?

Cheers, GT.

Hi GT,

Sorry about late reply.

Currently, I don't understand the issue you are having.

Can you check the attached picture and let me know if you see the same issue?


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