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Topics - Stumpy

Pages: [1]
I have been logging data to a text file using AHMI v3.99y Beta28 using the Basicdatalogger2. It works perfectly! But I now want summarize the daily logs.

In the Basicdatalogger or ChartWithLogging or Datasubscriber would there be an easy way to record just that days Min, Average & Max Values to a daily Log file for Each PLCAddressItem. I have about 10 monitored items.

I am currently testing and recording using BasicDataLogger2 writing a daily log file but then having to post process to summarize the data for min, Avg & Max Values separately for each PLCAddressItem using spreadsheet.

Any Help much appreciated!

Thank You in advance!


Feature Request / Inverse Video colour option on palette for controls
« on: March 04, 2019, 03:06:40 PM »
Not sure if any one has requested/suggested it, but I think "Inverse Video" is easy to implement colour option perhapse placed next to the current "Transparent" selection on the colour palellet of the controls options eg BasicLabel.

So doing this manually it is possible weird colour combinations but simply... eg Forecolor = 32, 32, 32 and you want the text to stand out on the BasicLabel (ie the inverse or contrast that selection...) to the Backcolor = 223, 223, 223

ie formula is: 255 - 32 = 223 for each component  in this simple case (you may not have same value R, G, B component but each subtracted from 255 will contrasting or inverse colour.

Hope this can be implemented.

I like the fact Basic logger is so simple to use but a text file is problematic to use and store when they get very large....Perhaps adding the ability of saving hourly, daily or weekly logs with overwrite oldest data option from within AHMI would solve headaches for people wanting to store data.

Also if the data was archived to a database then queries and history would become much simpler to handle / review.

Please Please - Is there any chance both of these options could be implemented in version 4??

Thanks in advance

PS Sterling work on the AdvancedHMI Product its simply fantastic so far!!!

Support Questions / BarLevel - Numeric Format
« on: July 01, 2014, 09:21:10 AM »
I am having trouble formatting the number of decimal places displayed on the BarLevel displayed numeric value. I am trying to use "Numeric Format" option.
I have got "Numeric Format" to work on the BasicLabel as per the user manual (p8). However it would seem not to work as a property on the BarLevel component.
I wanted to avoid using code if this is a working option in the BarLevel component.

Running AdvancedHMI v3.61

Any help much appreciated. Thanks!

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