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Exit Button on MainMenu


I realize this may be a VS question rather than Advanced HMI, but I am a rookie so bear with me.

I developed an application first using the MainForm, OPC driver, it worked well with an AB emulator. I added a FormChangeButton to Page2, put an OPC driver there and page2 controls also worked fine. I put a FormChangeButton on Page2 back to the MainForm and it didn't close Page2. I also went to the FormChangeControls folder and spent some time  looking at the code trying to figure out how to implement it. For instance, the exit button seems to have a ExitButton_Click Sub but no code inside. It tried using it in that application and it didn't close the forms or application. If I close the MainForm with the "X" I get a StackOverflow.

Next I created a new test application using MainMenu as my startup, MainForm as my startup form, a FormChangeButton to page2, a FormChangeButton back to MainForm. Navigation seemed to work ok, but the forms don't start in the same place. I saw some commented code with MenuPos and assume that helps put forms in the same spot, I will experiment with that later.

But the exit button doesn't close the application or forms. I have seen some help files referencing Me.Close() but when I put that in the ExitButton_Click sub I still get a stackoverflow.

To use Advanced HMI it seems that a deeper knowledge of and Visual Studio is needed, but short of an intensive bootcamp or school I don't know where to start. The Microsoft and YouTube videos and files I have found all seem to skip the fundamentals also. I have done some work using OOP in Beckhoff so I somewhat understand properties, methods, inheritance etc. but this gets over my head fast. Any suggestions?

Additional problem: I migrated my menu controls to my main project. If you put a formchangebutton on the mainmenu to the page2 screen, it closes the mainmenu, leaving the mainform and the page2 open with no way to exit. This implies that the formchange buttons would need to be on each screen to navigate rather than on the MainMenu, which should always stay open. I must be missing something.

OK, I think I got it. Use MainMenu buttons for all navigation from the menu rather than formchange. I think I was assuming they all went to mainform.

Still struggling with screen positions and sizes.

You are correct, the MainMenu does need to use MainMenuButtons instead of form change buttons.

The MainMenu form has a property of MenuPosition. Depending on whether the form is taller than wide or vice versa is what determines the edge it will dock to.


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