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Topics - Etten

Pages: [1]
Has anyone made a label that would display the version information? I know VS auto increments the publish version and I would like this to automatically update on each publish so i know what version the customer is on just by asking and not make them exit the application to find the folder that has the info. I think it would be a nice addition and help with troubleshooting. Thanks for any help!

I am newer to AHMI and don't exactly understand how to use the Messagelistbybit and messagelistbyvalue features trying to use this for an alarm list and need a step by step of how to use them i am using a micro800 series Allen Bradley PLC.

Open Discussion / No respose from PLC (22) Error
« on: June 21, 2016, 01:20:46 PM »
I have an AB micro850 communicating over Ethernet/IP, when I click on the object created the plc will respond to the corresponding button, but these messages come up over the buttons in debug and the address I have set up to light the button will not respond back to AHMI during the debug. If the debug window is closed and reopened the correct button will be lit. Here are the pictures of the errors.
Thank you, kind of a newbie to VB

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