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Topics - nirav496086

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Read about my first label control here.

This library can be directly added to left side toolbox by using "choose items". ( Tested on VB2010, .NET 3.5 )
There will be one master control and all other control can be set to child control of master control.

-> This is textbox control is just simple masked textbox allows user to input only numbers. This control also allows "Enter Key" n "Backspace Key". The text set to master control will set same text to all its child controls textboxs simultaneously.

How to Use :

HMINumericTextBoxI.SetValue -> Sets the textbox text
HMINumericTextBoxI.TbTextChanged -> This event will be triggered when "HMINumericTextBoxI.SetValue" or "HMINumericTextBoxI.TextChanged" event occurs. This event will update its child control's text.
HMINumericTextBoxI.MasterControl -> This will set master control of this control. The text of Master control will be applied to this control simultaneously.

->You can also set master control programmatically.

* Public Sub SetMasterControl(ByRef newMasterControl As HMINumericTextBoxI, ByRef Optional oldMasterControl As HMINumericTextBoxI = Nothing)

Please Note :
See Constructor Code
-> HMINumericTextBoxI.ShortcutsEnabled = False 'Shortcuts Disabled
-> HMINumericTextBoxI.ContextMenu = ContextMenu() 'RightClick Context Menu Disabled

I had tasted this textbox control with VS2010 VB.NET FWv3.5 and with 1 master control and 9 child control working like charm ;)

Additional Components / HMILabelII - Label Control For HMI
« on: November 24, 2016, 04:53:50 AM »
Hi everyone this is almost my first post in AdvanceHMI forum.
I am an Instrumentation n Control Engineer doing automation work for various industries.
I know little VB,PHP and C++ and of course Ladder/FB lol.

I am making my own framework to build HMI Easily with VB.NET ( and NOT WITH WPF )
During development I noticed that to display Temperature in forms I need set too many labels with same values in very difficult way but here is solution.

I have just made simple label control to extend it capability to update lots of label with same values simultaneously.

This library can be directly added to left side toolbox by using "choose items". ( Tested on VB2010 )
There will be one master control and all other control can be set to child control of master control.

How to Use :

HMILableII.SetValue -> Sets the label text
HMILabelII.valueChanged -> This event will be triggered when "HMILableI.SetValue" occurs. This event will update its child control's text.
HMILableII.MasterControl -> This will set master control of this control. The text of Master control will be applied to this control simultaneously.

Now in v2 you can also set master control programmatically.
* Public Sub SetMasterControl(ByRef newMasterControl As HMILabelII, ByRef Optional oldMasterControl As HMILabelII = Nothing)

I had tasted this label control with VS2010 VB.NET and with 1 master control and 49 child control working like charm ;)

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