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Topics - shawn_75

Pages: [1]
Support Questions / Com Component best practices
« on: October 04, 2019, 07:58:47 AM »
I have a number of identical PLCs that I'm controlling that I've made a user control for.  I currently have my com component on the main form and pass the PLC IP address that corresponds to the user control shown.  When I change to another instance of the user control for a different PLC, I'm passing the new IP address to the com component.  Is this an acceptable way to do this, or should I have a different com component with each instance of the user control?

Thank you!

Support Questions / BarLevel dynamically changing PLC Address
« on: February 14, 2019, 01:42:04 PM »
I'm attempting to dynamically change the PLCAddressMaximum and PLCAddressValue properties on the bar level component based on the user's selection of a drop down box.  The problem is that the values in those fields seem to update, but the bar level does not work.  It is still getting its data from the first selected addresses.  I believe this has something to do with the subscription manager in the background.  I have tried BarLevel.Update() and BarLevel.Refresh() after making the address changes to no avail.  How do I go about passing the new PLC addresses to the BarLevel component when I want to change the PLC addresses?  BarLevel.ComComponent.Subcribe looks like it may be what I need, but I need some direction.

Thank you,

Pages: [1]