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Messages - leesmith1985

Pages: [1]
Hi Archie,

Even using simply basic labels with a nice PNG background the HMI looks great.  Any chance you can provide the full source to this rather than just a screenshot?

I have two specific questions as I am a total newbie to Advanced HMI:

1.  How can I perform some processing on the data returned from the PLC before displaying it in a basic label?  I can see the general idea is to allow the user to avoid any programming and simply assign each control to a tag in the PLC.  However, when this is not sufficient, what is your suggested approach.  For example, I have a tag that returns a timestamp in Unix format (number of elapsed seconds since 1/1/1970).  Before displaying the raw integer value in a basic label, I'd like to do some processing and come up with a readable date time string to present on the HMI.

2.  Do you have a full manual of all the existing controls and examples of usage?  The quick start guide is good but it only gets you so far.  Also, an overview of the architecture would be hugely beneficial i.e. how the drivers and controls interact (the subscription model) etc.

For your information, I am a C# developer with a solid grasp of the .NET framework, but I obviously don't know much about your application specifically.  I have all the basics working now whereby I have registered a driver and have a lot of digital panel meters, gauges, momentary buttons and switches working perfectly as they are interacting directly with tag data in a one to one fashion.  I now want to be able to take it that step further and utilise additional presentation logic while still being able to use your very nice controls OR create my own controls to suit my needs.

Thanks in advance, Lee.

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