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Messages - dmroeder

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Open Discussion / Re: Zombie posts
« on: June 13, 2023, 02:22:52 PM »
I went to the member list, sorted by join date, most of them have zero posts and an obvious spam signature.

I think the angle here, even for the ones that never post is pagerank gaming.  They join a bunch of forums (probably a bot), add a signature with a hyperlink they are trying to boost in search, the more times the signature appears, the better the search results are.

If you want a moderator, I'd help clean these up.

Open Discussion / Re: Zombie posts
« on: June 12, 2023, 06:55:12 PM »
I submitted 6 or 7 spam posts.

How often are new users registering?

Edit: I guess I can just look at the member list to get an idea.

Support Questions / Re: Rockwell PLC via EN2T backplane
« on: March 30, 2023, 07:21:44 PM »
Just to be sure, when you say PLC is in slot 1, is it actually in the 2nd slot from the left?  Most common is to have the controller in the first slot, which would be slot 0.  Forgive me if you already know this, I just wanted to make sure.

Support Questions / Re: Rockwell PLC via EN2T backplane
« on: March 22, 2023, 12:10:22 PM »
It sounds like you are not routing, the PLC and EN2T are in the same chassis.  So when you setup the driver, you just need to enter your IP address and change the property ProcessorSlot to 1.

An example of outing would be:

Enter En2T in chassis 1, exit another EN2T in chassis 1, enter EN2T in chassis 2, connect to PLC in chassis 2.

Support Questions / Re: BeginWriteRaw() Max Byte Limit?
« on: January 25, 2023, 10:43:46 AM »
I am wondering if there is a max limit to how many bytes you can use on this function (or does it depend on PLC or something else?). I am currently trying to write 50000 bytes of information in one go and nothing seems to happen when I do this.
When I write 1000 bytes of information with BeginWriteRaw(), this is successful and takes about 100ms to visually see on PLC side.

You didn't mention what controller you are writing to, I'm assuming CompactLogix/ControlLogix.  Modern controllers support packet size of ~4000 bytes.  There is some overhead, so I don't think you get a full 4k bytes of data but it is close to that.  I'm guessing that BeginWriteRaw doesn't use fragmented write?  That would explain why it fails, you're trying to write 50k bytes, only 4k fits in a packet.

Open Discussion / Re: RS Logix 5000 bit toggle
« on: October 14, 2022, 10:02:22 AM »

Did you find this in the wild or something?

Open Discussion / Re: Locking Application to Specific Computer
« on: September 23, 2022, 03:38:54 PM »
Hi All,

I'm trying to implement a sort of security to where the application only works on a specific computer. I'm thinking I can have a hash of the Mac Address that the user has to type in prior to loading the main form. Just curious if anyone has done something similar before? How did you go about it. The application would still be fully open source, but I don't want it to run anywhere else besides the machine server that sits next to the machine.

I suppose one way would be to hard code the computers hostname in the application.  So in the form load event  If Environment.MachineName isn't equal to your servers hostname, exit.

Open Discussion / Re: Start up problems VS and AdvancedHMI
« on: September 03, 2022, 07:29:13 PM »
Having some issues with my new laptop (windows 11 installed) and VS 2022.  VS seemed to install correctly, but when I click on the downloaded version of AdvancedHMI called AdvancedHMIv35.sln it starts up VS and comes with 4 error messages:  "The project file could not be loaded. Could not find a part of the path" and then the path of my computer.  It does this for the AdvancedHMI folder, the AdvancedHMIControls folder, the AdvancedHMICS folder and the AdvancedHMIDrivers folder, putting all 4 error messages into the error output box.  Anyone have any ideas why this is?

Thanks Mario

Hey Mario, it's been a while since I have installed VS, but I remember you had to choose "for desktop" or something like that, the option was not selected by default.

Has anyone made a label that would display the version information? I know VS auto increments the publish version and I would like this to automatically update on each publish so i know what version the customer is on just by asking and not make them exit the application to find the folder that has the info. I think it would be a nice addition and help with troubleshooting. Thanks for any help!
  By default, doesn't the title of the main window show the version?  Or is this something different you are asking for?

Open Discussion / Re: Tag name with a new Datatype HMIBC
« on: July 13, 2022, 06:53:02 PM »
The HMIBC tag external access was set to Read/Write.

Yes, I could set an XIC myTag to turn on the OTE myHMIBC.out.

But setting the PLCAddressClick to myHMIBC.out did not work for me.

Huh.  Privilege violation is a CIP error code, if the PLC is returning that, there isn't much that can be done from the AHMI side.

I just tried AHMI with a basic button, PLCAddressClick address of _TestHMIBC.Out.  It wrote to it fine.

Open Discussion / Re: Tag name with a new Datatype HMIBC
« on: July 13, 2022, 01:33:16 PM »
With the advance of Panelview 5510, Rockwell introduced  a new data type called HMIBC.

I tried to use it with BasicButton, when pressing on the button, I'd get a 'CIP Priviledge violation' message.

I also tried to access its tag bit/bool level to no avail:  ButtonState, EnableOut, Out.

I could see where you wouldn't be able to use the tag directly since it is a struct.

I was able to read/write using pylogix, so I think that AHMI should too.  Are you 100% sure that you didn't accidentally create it with external access set to None?

If I write to the Out, it accepts it, but the instruction controls the state of it, so it goes right back to 0.  ButtonState behaves the same way.  ProgFB allows you to change it state.  You can't change the state of EnableIn/Out because the instruction controls those states.

If i delete the instruction from the program, so that only the tag exists, then I can write to the bits.

I don't have a PanelView5000, so it it just exists in my test program.  Maybe once the HMI has its grips on it, then you start getting privilege violations?

Open Discussion / Re: Write float value in CLX Ethernet/IP
« on: May 04, 2022, 12:12:56 PM »
Something's funny, "F8:" is not ControlLogix syntax, it's SLC syntax. 

Support Questions / Re: Setting File Path
« on: April 07, 2022, 10:20:00 AM »
It's strange that for me, it works on my pc, but it doesn't on my laptop. Not really sure what to do.

Welcome to the forum necroposter!

My guess is that this is a permission problem, as was suggested in earlier posts.  Try pointing to your users documents folder rather than the C drive directly.  Rather than hard code the path to the documents folder, the .NET framework will get that path for you, so you don't have to worry about different users being able to run your program:

Code: [Select]
Dim FILE_NAME As String = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) & "\PARAMETER.txt"

Open Discussion / Re: Is Reading Array Size Possible?
« on: January 27, 2022, 05:44:39 PM »
It would be nice to have that array length finding in driver. What I did was use a button to start read (index loop) and driver throws tag not found error, where I use that catch exception to index length value to text box

I agree it would be nice, but there isn't a CIP object that is "hey tag, what is your length?".  It is possible to get a tags array size when retrieving the tag list.  I know Archie had a tag browser tool, not sure if that is baked into the main AdvancedHMI drivers.  Archie can comment on that.

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