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Powershell and AdvancedHMI


So to get this to work, you must purchase the .Net dll to make the driver stand alone.
It seems to be working very well. Worth every Penny!
Below is a simple example of connecting and reading a tag. It would be very easy to pipe data to a text file or DB from here with time stamp.

--- Code: ---# Load the AdvancedHMI.dll assembly
Add-Type -Path "C:\myDlls\EIP\ClxDriver.dll"

# Create an instance of the EthernetIPforCLXCom class
[ClxDriver.EthernetIPforCLX]$ethernetIP = New-Object ClxDriver.EthernetIPforCLX
#$ethernetIP | Get-Member

# Set PLC IP address and slot
$ethernetIP.IPAddress = "YourIPAddress"
$ethernetIP.ProcessorSlot = "0"

#read the data
$testString = $ethernetIP.Read("PLCTag");
Write-Output $testString

--- End code ---

That's a good idea, I hadn't thought about doing it that way.


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