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Messages - abouhaa

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Support Questions / Re: Screen control - Tabcontrol or something else?
« on: March 16, 2020, 10:28:10 AM »
Thanks.. Question though... I looked really quick at the way formchangebutton works and do not see that it unsubscribes or disables the driver for the forms when it closes one. Does it do that at all and if yes where in the code? Thanks again.

Support Questions / Re: Screen control - Tabcontrol or something else?
« on: March 16, 2020, 08:25:02 AM »
I don't have the actual seed application.
I just have the screenshot; I can't click on the button!

Support Questions / Screen control - Tabcontrol or something else?
« on: March 13, 2020, 09:25:18 AM »
So I have just seen this on one of Archie's older posts and wondering how is screen control working here? are these part of a tabcontrol or some other advHMI component that serves screens independently?
I have highlighted the buttons in question in yellow...


Support Questions / AdvHMI and VNC crashing
« on: March 13, 2020, 09:22:31 AM »
When I run advanced hmi applications (2 of them) everything runs fine and dandy..
As soon as I start VNC on another computer and connect to the HMI pc, both advancedHMI applications freeze and stop responding...
Next, I close VNC viewer and within 10 seconds both applications are back up and running.
Couldn't attach the wireshark capture because of size limit...

Thanks for any help.

Support Questions / Re: Subscription Poll Rate Modify
« on: May 08, 2019, 10:24:55 AM »
Okay that's perfect.

Thank you very much.

Support Questions / Re: Subscription Poll Rate Modify
« on: May 08, 2019, 10:07:48 AM »
I see.. So the poll rate is per driver not per subscription.

If this is the case, then why do I have to specify a poll rate in the .subscribe function?

The subscribe is already tied to a driver that has a preset poll rate why set another poll rate for the subscribe function?

Support Questions / Subscription Poll Rate Modify
« on: May 08, 2019, 09:43:43 AM »

I am already subscribed to an address and reading data at 100ms rate.
How can I modify the subscription poll rate to 50ms while the subscription is running?
If I re-subscribe with the new poll rate would I have 2 separate subscriptions running or would the new one replace the old one?


Additional Components / Re: Adding extra properties to controls
« on: April 08, 2019, 08:04:41 AM »
Almost every control/component on the microsoft.system gets greyed out when disabled.
It depends on the backcolor!
See photo.

Edit, those are "standard" winforms controls!

True, the back color makes a difference; however I should at least be able to have 1 color that will give me the same visual effect of the basicbutton. No?

Additional Components / Re: Adding extra properties to controls
« on: April 05, 2019, 03:11:34 PM »
I will look into that but I have a feeling it is not the issue because I had the gestures disabled a long time ago.
I am using windows 7 std emb. and on this version holding the button down to jog a motor usually initiates a right click button event..

When I had this issue I went ahead and disabled all the gestures and then I came across the button not holding bit 1 or 0 and the enabled/disabled status issue.

I understand phrog that the controls are working how they are supposed to be but it is not the way they should look like.

The perfect way to disable a control is the way basicbutton works where the difference between enabled and disabled is pretty clear to the user and not just a slight modification to the text etc etc.

Almost every control/component on the microsoft.system gets greyed out when disabled.

You gotta think that this product is mostly going to be used on touchscreen like the rest of the industry not on a mouse and keyboard.

Additional Components / Re: Adding extra properties to controls
« on: April 05, 2019, 02:03:13 PM »
On the side, is there a way to make a "basicbutton" change "backcolor" when pressed and back to original color when not pressed? Also is there a way to make a "basicbutton" write the value to the plc even if the user is still holding the button? Right now the "basicbutton" needs to see a rising edge and a falling edge before firing the write event... That's not necessarily helpful.
Are you wanting the button to repeatedly keep writing the same value as long as the button is held?

Can you explain the reasoning? Is your PLC program overwriting what is written by the HMI?

No my PLC is not overwriting; it cannot simply because you cannot map a bit to a bit being mapped already on the PLC. They would fight and the PLC will win any time in the day. The reason I want to have that is because this is what operators are used to on all other platforms; they are used to holding the button for whatever time and let go.

A good example is that if someone wants to manually jog a motor to a certain position while watching the motor run. This will not work since holding the button and then letting go the second they desire the motor stopped is not how the basicbutton reacts to the user input. I think this is an inheritance from system.button as it appears that both work the same way

Additional Components / Re: Adding extra properties to controls
« on: April 05, 2019, 01:54:55 PM »
I just added two new analog display value controls to a form.  I changed the cursor to hand, didn't add any PLC property values, and changed enabled to false on one, but left the other true.  Then run the app, you can slightly see the text a different color, but you will also see the one enabled is still hand cursor, the one not enabled is not hand.  The controls take care of this automatically, so that tells me the enabled is working as it should.  On my controls, anything that allows an operator input I change the cursor to hand.  This is a good sign to them.  I also draw a box around the control on mouse enter, kind of works like wonderware.  This was something I added.

Cursors wont works because I have touch screen so no mouse hovering hence I cant switch the cursor

Additional Components / Re: Adding extra properties to controls
« on: April 05, 2019, 12:31:58 PM »
Couldn't agree more about being consistent. But, what you see is what you get. When I see something I don't like, I change it. That's the great thing about being open source.

I might have an analog control that works the way you want. I'll check later. I don't for the light as I've never used it and don't plan on it.

On the button, try momentary and use the same address for click as highlight.

That is what I have been trying to do.. change it. How?

Additional Components / Re: Adding extra properties to controls
« on: April 05, 2019, 12:29:16 PM »
On the side, is there a way to make a "basicbutton" change "backcolor" when pressed and back to original color when not pressed? Also is there a way to make a "basicbutton" write the value to the plc even if the user is still holding the button? Right now the "basicbutton" needs to see a rising edge and a falling edge before firing the write event... That's not necessarily helpful.
Are you wanting the button to repeatedly keep writing the same value as long as the button is held?


Additional Components / Re: Adding extra properties to controls
« on: April 05, 2019, 11:16:00 AM »

How does that end up changing the property of greying the control out and siabling it? I want to do the same thing to the pilot light.


Did you read the thread I linked? You can reference most properties, in this case enabled. A button has that property. Does the pilot light? Personally, I wouldn't use a pilot light as a button, it's not intuitive for operators. Use a button. But, Archie should add that into his control to be consistent.

This thread may explain in better detail how it works,

I read your link and I did reference the "Enabled" property on the pilot light; the only problem is that I want it to change color/grey out when it gets disabled just like a basicbutton.

Personally I find the pilot light more convenient than a basic button in some cases..

Also, the problem is not with the pilot light only, I used the pilot light as an example. I have the same issue with the "analogvaluedisplay" where I also was able to add the "enabled" property on it but it does not grey out when disabled.

All controls have to grey out when disabled to inform the user that something has changed on this control.
It would be great if all the controls were consistent.

On the side, is there a way to make a "basicbutton" change "backcolor" when pressed and back to original color when not pressed? Also is there a way to make a "basicbutton" write the value to the plc even if the user is still holding the button? Right now the "basicbutton" needs to see a rising edge and a falling edge before firing the write event... That's not necessarily helpful. 

Additional Components / Re: Adding extra properties to controls
« on: April 05, 2019, 09:23:29 AM »
I think it does but the change is extremely subtle. Change the Forecolor to White and you will see the difference between Enabled and disabled

EDIT : This is not the case. Since the AnalogValueDisplay overrides the colors based on limit values, it will not dim it out when disabled. You can modify the code to do it.

How does a basicbutton do the grey out? How Can I modify the code of pilotlight to grey out the way basic button does ignoring the in or out of limits of pilot light?

The code for basicbuttin enabled is this:
    Private m_PLCAddressEnabled As String = ""
    <System.ComponentModel.Category("PLC Properties")>
    Public Property PLCAddressEnabled() As String
            Return m_PLCAddressEnabled
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            If m_PLCAddressEnabled <> value Then
                m_PLCAddressEnabled = value

                '* When address is changed, re-subscribe to new address
            End If
        End Set
    End Property

How does that end up changing the property of greying the control out and siabling it? I want to do the same thing to the pilot light.


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