General Category > Support Questions

Lost all my Comms

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Did you try the full clean as described here:

OK seems to have fixed that... I have a few new strange issues.

First, on the driver setting the .DisableSubscriptions = True doesn't seem to do anything.  I went through on every form and set the property of the driver to True and when I Wireshark them it would seem that they still are being polled.  I can see the tags on the other forms still constantly being polled.  I also am using the Form.Leave and Form.Enter events to set the property to True and False respectively. No matter what though they still seem to keep polling.

For some reason on 2 of my forms in the designer, there automatically keeps coming back a Driver EthernetIPforCLXCom1 but I checked the list of components on the form and every single one has the EthernetIPforMicro800Com1 already set as the ComComponent. Why the heck does this keep happening?

OTher than that I think I have everything fixed by upping the Poll Override times and by making completely sure that all of the DisableMultiServiceRequest = True.  Everything seems to be ok now.  Thoughts on this silly little issue in the Designer?

NOTE:  The Final configuration for me is that you CAN write down an array to the Micro800 family and you CAN read an array of values with the DS2.  I used the Starting address of the Tag TagName[1] and set the value of the number of elements to the Array Size [32].


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