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Support Questions / privilege violation EthernetIPforCLXCom
« on: June 29, 2017, 10:26:38 PM »
Nice library hopefully I can get it working.

I have a simple system with 1 Allen Bradley Control Logix 5562 controller.

The pc interface did have proficy ifix running. But that has been uninstalled.
I pulled down the tag list with Advanced HMI and I can read the tags. and then the values. eg.
SCADA_LSA_WB_Cont_ILok, False
SCADA_LSA_WB_Energised, False
between the four of these they should control a relay. some are safeguards I guess.

But when I go to set the tags I get an exception "Privilege Violation"
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EthernetIPforCLXCom1.Write("SCADA_LSA_WB_Cont_ILok", 1) I have tried others too.

I guess the exception is coming from the program running on the plc. Is this correct?

If so, How can I interrogate or rewrite this program.
I have reinstalled "ifix" but I can see anything that looks like Rxlogix or whatever you write the app in.

Ideally I would like to completely drop RxLogix and ifix and any proprietry stuff and use AdvancedHMI, is this possible?

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