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Topics - MrPike

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Support Questions / SVG in
« on: September 23, 2018, 09:43:51 PM »
Archie, it is possible to animate .svg files in  I am playing around with creating .svg images in inkscape and would like to know if its possible to say rotate a gauge needle or other animation in an AHMI application.  It looks like these are mostly used in web applications but came across this site and wondered what else is possible.  Thanks.

Support Questions / Embed xlsx file template
« on: August 11, 2018, 12:28:54 AM »
I have a xlsx file that I am using as a template to write to using EPPlus. This works fine but I want to make the application portable so I would like to make the xlsx part of the solution and not have it available for the user to be able to alter. What is the best way to make it part if the project so that I dont have to add it to the host computer?  Also I may need to alter it later if the application changes so I would need to be able to exchange it for a newer version at times. Thank you.

Archie,  i need to examine about a 100 registers of a controller via ModbusTCP and I am trying to determine which one has changed without knowing in advance. is there a way for the DS2 to expose which register value(or index)has changed without having to write 100 ElseIf statements?  Maybe one code snippet that can put the value in a msgbox. Thanks.

Support Questions / non-contiguous registers in DS2
« on: June 08, 2018, 11:50:09 PM »
Archie, is there a way to read a multiple indices of a DS2 with non-contiguous registers.  Such as 40119 with 6 elements is e.values(0)-e.values(5)  Can I add 40154 with 6 elements to the same DS2 and read them in the same fashion?  What would their index be?  I know I can add each one with an element of 1.  Just looking for new ways, thanks.   

Support Questions / add leading zeros to DS2 value
« on: June 07, 2018, 04:17:08 PM »
How would I go about adding leading zeros to the value of a data subscriber2?  For example I want to display text in a textbox as " 00012" but the DS2 returns just "12" for its value.  I do not want to use concat.  Is there a format specifier method or something?  Thank you. 

Support Questions / writing data to a excel template
« on: June 02, 2018, 11:35:05 AM »
Hi AHMI community.  I am looking for some basic help writing data to an excel file.  I have created an excel that I want to use as a template.  My app has a listview control that I populate with data.  I need to get this data to the excel file.  I believe I need to use a reference to Microsoft excel some how but not sure how to get started, google has some info but a little over my head.  Any help is appreciated, thanks. 

Support Questions / trouble reading an eventlog
« on: June 01, 2018, 05:36:45 PM »
Archie, I am creating an app that reads the eventlog of a device over ModbusTCP with 3.99YBeta10.  I have an issue that forces me to read the event description to determine if an event has occurred.  This is given by the controller as a 30 character string and I have the valuechanged event of that string to count the number of times it changes. But what I find is this is too slow and several events can occur in reality but I only catch some of them.  It is my belief its due to the reading of a long string that takes too long.  I think reading a straight integer value may be quicker but not sure how to get one fired event for several registers in a row.  I have tried a datasubscriber2 so I can get the whole length of the string but this causes a fired event for each register which in this case is 15 so this gives me too many events for one occurrence.  How do you suggest I can accurately and quickly read 15 consecutive registers and get one event so I can keep count of my event changes?  Thank you.       

Archie, I am using 3.99Y Beta 10 for my latest project.  I have found the ModbusTCPCom1_ComError event does not fire based on device ID.  I only get this to fire if I have the wrong IP address but will not fire if the device ID is wrong.  Also the ModbusTCPCom1_ConnectionEstablished seems to act only based on IP address as well.  It will fire anytime the IP address is correct regardless of the device ID.  Hope this makes sense, thank you   

Open Discussion / better graphics
« on: May 17, 2018, 10:30:54 PM »
Hi everyone, thought i would ask the experts how i can develop applications with better graphics.  right now my applications are very functional but very bland.  Everything is flat and has no dimensions.  i would like to develop more appealing forms but not sure how to go about it and would like to know how it is done by others.  Do I need to learn a 3D graphic software and put everything in as bitmaps?  Is the better way thru some kind of GDI+?  Is there another way?  I'm just not sure where i need to expand my horizons.  Any tips and advice is appreciated, thanks. 

Feature Request / basic label that reads strings
« on: May 17, 2018, 10:23:53 PM »
Is it possible to to modify the basic label to read strings from modbus thru the property settings?  I know that I can write the code to do this but was wondering if it can be a default function where i can enter the starting register and number of consecutive reads and whamo, the string displays in the basiclabel text.  I ask because i plan to use a bunch of them and want to avoid writing  the code.  Thanks. 

Support Questions / Trend chart with events
« on: March 03, 2018, 10:06:43 AM »
Archie, I am in need of your expertise again.  I'm starting a project using 3.99x communicating with a device over Modbus TCP.  I have added a built in windows chart and using it to trend some values with no problems.  The device has an event log comprised of 30 ASCII characters that I need to read(a different challenge).  What I would like to do is add an event from the log as text to the trend chart along the X axis area and mark it with either a vertical bar or red dot as shown in the attached pic.  I think I can read from the device with help from other posts but I cannot figure out how to add this event to the chart.  I hope this makes sense.  Basically I want to overlay the events on the trend to see the values when the event happened.  I don't even know how to start googling this for help:))  Thank you!

Support Questions / BasicTrendChart Y axis not updating
« on: March 03, 2018, 09:38:45 AM »
Hello Archie, I have started a new project with 3.99x that incorporates a BasicTrendChart.  What I found is the Y axis does not seem to auto scale once the maximum number of points is reached.  For instance everything works fine and the Y scale auto adjust based on the value but once the chart reaches the maximum number points allowed the Y axis does not seem to change even though the values change.  I attached a pic to show where the chart values went greater than the Y axis scale and came back down.  My "fix" was to remove the BTC and use a standard windows chart and this problem went away.  Thanks 

Support Questions / DataSubscriber2 values
« on: February 19, 2018, 03:11:36 PM »
Hey Archie, can you tell me if I can access the two items in the collection of PLC addresses of the DS2 at the same time?  What I mean is I add addr 1-4 to the collection and I want to do some math of two of the elements such as addr1/addr2 on DS2 value change event.  Is this possible?  How do I access each element to do this?  Thank you.   

Support Questions / Bar Level as percentage
« on: February 12, 2018, 07:44:12 PM »
Hello AHMI world.  I want to use the Bar Level as a percentage rather than a raw value.  What I noticed is that if the value goes beyond the max value, the text will move off the end of the control and not be visible.  There are times my value will go beyond 100% during overloads and I want the value to still be seen.  I was wondering how I can change the text to be fixed in the center of the bar level and not follow the fill line?  Similar to the attached pic,  Thanks.   

Support Questions / rotational indicator arrow
« on: February 07, 2018, 10:36:47 PM »
Is it possible to change the arrow on the rotational indicator to something else?  i would like just a straight line that i can adjust the length/width of.  I'm really not a fan of the arrow graphic.  is this something that can be done?  thanks.  AHMI399x(latest download)

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