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Topics - Swarfster

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Hi Archie, Advanced HMI is very powerful and so flexible.
Just some humble ideas for future releases:
A basic RS232 driver that transmits and receives plain serial data strings that could be hooked up to non-plc devices such as an Arduino micro controller and the myriad of sensors/relay boards etc. Out of the PLC world but in the ever evolving Mechatronics world.

Also some graphics for field devices such as limit switches/vsd/pneumatic valve terminals with led indicators  etc that could turn Advanced HMI into an excellent simulation/training tool.
Keep up the excellent work.


Support Questions / Micrologix 1100 I/O addressing issues
« on: December 30, 2015, 08:50:37 PM »
I have installed Visual Studio 2015 Express and opened the AdvancedHMI V3.99a project successfully.

My aim is to build a HMI for training purposes and after adding the driver EthernetIPforSLCMicro1, a Momentary Button and Pilot Light and all is looking good.
The Ethernet connection is working fine, as the Ethernet port status LED's and COMM1 indicators are lighting up when I click on a Momentary Button.

The issue is the first output pilot light is correctly working on O:0/0 however the PLCAddress I:0/0 is not working for the first input button.
I also noticed that the Momemtary Button only has a PLCAddressClick value to be set, not a PLCAdressValue like the Pilot Light.

Am I missing something? or has anyone else experienced the same issue with this configuration?

Thanks for the great automation tool.

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