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Messages - geneshults

Pages: [1]
Do you have link available for downloading??

Support Questions / What version of Visual Studio Should I be using?
« on: March 20, 2018, 06:28:03 PM »
I am wanting to use what latest version of AMI that I have which is V3.99X.
What version of Visual Studio should I be using to operate correctly?

Gene Shults

Support Questions / Version of Visual Basic
« on: February 06, 2017, 10:23:10 AM »
What version of Visual Basic is need to run the most current of AdvanceHMI?
The most current on I have received is
I have the free version which I think is 10??


Support Questions / Re: AHMI Crashes
« on: February 01, 2015, 01:52:58 PM »
It is happening while in design mode.
when the application is running no problem. Runs great.
Went back to design something else and this started.
Had problems before but was able to get through it.

Support Questions / Re: AHMI Crashes
« on: February 01, 2015, 12:54:28 PM »
Hi Paul

The version that I've had less problems with is AdvancedHMIv35.

Support Questions / AHMI Crashes
« on: February 01, 2015, 09:48:02 AM »

AHMI crashes.
Great program when it's working but for no reason I can see program  crashes.
What I get is as follows:

Warning   1   The variable 'DF1Comm1' is either undeclared or was never assigned.      0   0   
Warning   2   The variable 'DF1Comm1' is either undeclared or was never assigned.      0   0   
Warning   3   The variable 'DF1Comm1' is either undeclared or was never assigned.      0   0   
Warning   4   The variable 'DF1Comm1' is either undeclared or was never assigned.      0   0   
Warning   5   The type initializer for 'AdvancedHMIDrivers.EthernetIPforPLCSLCMicroCom' threw an exception.      0   0   
Warning   6   The type initializer for 'AdvancedHMIDrivers.EthernetIPforPLCSLCMicroCom' threw an exception.      0   0   
Warning   7   The type initializer for 'AdvancedHMIDrivers.EthernetIPforPLCSLCMicroCom' threw an exception.      0   0   
Warning   8   The type initializer for 'AdvancedHMIDrivers.EthernetIPforPLCSLCMicroCom' threw an exception.      0   0   
Warning   9   Assembly 'support\MfgControl.AdvancedHMI.Controls.dll' is incorrectly specified as a file.   AdvancedHMI

WHat may be causeing this??
And what do I need to do to correct?

What I'm using is as follows:

MicroSoft Visual Studio 2010
Version 10.0.3019

MircoSoft .NET Framework
Version 4.0.3019


Support Questions / Re: VB Crashes
« on: November 09, 2013, 01:32:44 PM »
Yes that fixed it...
THanks so much.
Need to get Plc hooked up and try some real time action.

Thanks Again

Support Questions / VB Crashes
« on: November 05, 2013, 02:40:43 AM »
I have installed VB 2010. Started up VB and did everything that QuickStart stated. When I go to tool bar and grab a componet and drag to mainForm I get a message stating as follows:
Failed to create componet
System. NullReference Execption:
Object reference not set to an instance of an Object.
VB bombs out and restarts. This happens with every object in AdvanceHMI Toolbox.

Help Please

Support Questions / Advanced HMI and Direct Logic PLC
« on: November 04, 2013, 12:27:08 AM »
Hello All
Is the Advanced HMI compatible with the Direct Logic PLC processors?
Is so what dirvers are necessary to connect to each other?


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