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Please Help a newbie get started - i'm lost

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I've done Industrial controls for 7 years, and I did a lot of computer programming in college, but nothing with visualBasic. I'm a bit lost getting started in AdvancedHMI and I haven't found much helpful yet in the documentation, so maybe someone here would kindly direct me to where I can find some information so I can start getting things to work:

1 - How do I create a new "page" / "Form" what have you in AdvancedHMI? I started out with MainForm or MainPage and at some point I did something and a Page2 appeared, but I don't know how I did it and I can't seem to create another one. I tried to copy but it had reference problems. I created a new form but then my button to change forms didn't let me select the form in the drop down menu. Clearly, i'm missing something here.

2- Where is the numeric input keypad? I see posts referring to this existing, can't find it. No idea where to even start.

3 - how do I create a normal "plain jane" rectangular button with a border?

4 - I made an Annunciator as a text display. Turns out its a button and you click it and it turns red because it wrote to a tag that doesn't exist. Is there a text box I can make without a button?

I think these questions would be answered if there was some documentation in front of me. What I'm finding goes from 0 to 100 pretty quickly which has me lost, quite a lot.

thanks in advance

I kind of figured out how to create a new form, but when I try to link to it with the Form Change button, It does not populate in the list after build, so I'm still lost.

Are forms the only way to have a popup or is there some way to create a popup object or cluster of objects and buttons that then all go out of view collectively.

If you are doing this for a U.S. company and they can afford it then check the main AdvancedHMI page, which has a banner that states: "Training classes offered both at our facility or yours. Classes for up to 6 people for only $600 per day".

I am not sure if this is offered virtually as well, you can always ask Archie.

Considering how many questions you have asked so far, it might take them a single day to actually explain in details how to go about using this software.

Other than what is suggested above, take your time to learn this yourself and check all the topics available in this forum.

Also check all available videos and to get you started here is the AdvancedHMI YouTube channel and a topic that covers some others:

Here is also a link to the AdvancedHMI wiki that might help you:


--- Quote from: Godra on December 21, 2023, 09:15:49 PM ---Here is also a link to the AdvancedHMI wiki that might help you:

--- End quote ---

No pages about making a new form, or Keypad. I already checked there.


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