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Modbus/TCP ?'s


First question, is there a way to poll a memory location without the use of one of the controls?
For example I would like to poll a memory location and just place the result in a variable.

Second question, is there away to poll a memory location for a double word value?
Or is polling two single locations and combining values for double word result the only way to make this work?

Thank you

I've not used the modbus driver so I couldn't help with the double, but you can retrieve a memory location programmatically using
--- Code: ---ReadAny(startAddress, numberOfAddresses)
--- End code ---
through the driver instance.

As an example in my own usage I'm getting 50 addresses starting at addr from an instance of EthernetIPforCLXComm driver named plc_clx

--- Code: ---profile_points1 = plc_clx.ReadAny(addr, 50)
--- End code ---

thank you, I'll give it ab shot.

I found it to work just fine.

However it took me a moment or two to realize that if I only wanted to read a single register I needed to drop the second
parameter altogether rather than reading a an array value of one.

For example:
ModbusTcpCom1.ReadAny(addr, 20) 'reads 20 consecutive registers
ModbusTcpCom1.ReadAny(addr) 'reads a single register
Notice I omitted the second parameter rather than using a value of 1 to read a single register.

Thank you for your help!

Another note about modbus addressing I just learned using AdvancedHMI - Modbus/TCP and a Koyo PLC.

One thing I had been missing is the types of data you are polling and "prefixes" that are associated with the types:

    0xxxx - Coils.
    1xxxx - Discrete inputs.
    3xxxx - Input registers.
    4xxxx - Holding registers.

Note that there is no 2xxxx address prefix.

The above was taken from this article.

So when addressing C1 I found the address to be 3074, but because it is a "Coil" I had to include the prefix "0" to make the correct address 03074.


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