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Topics - juanma1364

Pages: [1]
Support Questions / Reading of multiple Modbus RTU bit registers
« on: March 24, 2020, 01:20:19 AM »
Dear I have a problem with reading the states of the outputs of a PLC using modbus RTU.
I need to read the status of 8 outputs of a PLC, the manufacturer of the same determines that to get these states I must access using the function "01" to Read, with the following condition:

"For function 01H, reading multiple bits, always use multiple quantities of 16."

 My question would be with which element of advancedHMI can I achieve this?

I have tried several components of advancedHMI but the hex code I have at the exit of my PC is the following:

"05 01 2C 30 00 01 F4 D1"

and i need it to be

"05 01 2C 30 00 10 34 DD"

On the other hand, I need later a way to interpret and extract the bits that come in the frame to be able to establish the state of each output.

Attached image of the PLC manual

I appreciate your responses.

Best regards

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