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Messages - RedBinary

Pages: 1 [2]
Feature Request / Component event hooks
« on: March 13, 2013, 09:57:57 AM »
I'd like to see the basic components have built in public event hooks. I'm currently using a timer to poll the state of a PLC tag that is also used in an indicator. I'm using a state change to drive a large read so that it doesn't poll continuously. Eventually (when I read up on VB coding events) I'll write events into it, but I think it'd be handy to have these "out of the box".

As an example of my current case: BasicIndicator1 could have events for option2On, option2Off, option3On, and option3Off.

Support Questions / Issues with ControlLogix communications
« on: March 13, 2013, 09:47:59 AM »
In the HMI I've written I'm communicating with a ControlLogix PLC. I've seen the issue mentioned over at the SourceForge forum of the addresses being read in with ReadAny() pulling in a maximum of 59. I've found this to be the case in my project as well. I need to read in 2 arrays of 100 DINTs each, so I'm handling this by pulling the data in chunks of 50.

The main issue is that every once in awhile the data returned will be incorrect. The values in the tags are guaranteed to all be in the range of 0 to 100. When the error occurs only a 1 member array is returned with a value of >100. Once this is occurs it is persistent - ReadAny() will only ever return a 1 member array with an incorrect value until the program is killed. Relaunch the program and reads work fine again.

What would be the recommended way to handle this? Maybe there's a good way to programmatically reset the driver?

Looks great!

The machine start-up got put off until tomorrow so I was able to put the XPsp3 and Visual Studio on it. The VS installation had some goodies in it that were missing on the ProFace so the app runs like a champ now. Thanks!

Nice! Can I ask what PC hardware you're using? Are those touch panels?

Well getting the ProFace up to date on .Net didn't do the trick. The target machine is starting up on Monday & I'm unsure how long the run is. Usually not a full week. As soon as it's down again I'll try getting VS on it to see where it breaks down. My fear is that VS won't run either! I'll keep posting as updates update.

I meant to also say that I'll be installing the .Net 3.5 package & updates on the ProFace today

I appreciate the quick reply! The ProFace has .Net frameworks 1.1, 2.0, & 4 client. After changing the build target to a variety of .Net target levels the problem persists. I like the idea of installing Visual Studio on the panel. It's installed in a production machine that will be running until a week or so before I can get some downtime on it to do that. I'll keep you informed of any updates as they happen. Thanks again!

I really hate it that my first couple of posts here are going to be support requests. I hope to have some screenshots to post of the interface I'm working on soon. I want you to know that I really REALLY appreciate the software! It's damned amazing! I just downloaded the libs on Monday & have already used it to help me breeze through most of a fairly complicated HMI in the time between my other tasks at work!

I don't have all of the pertinent information at my fingertips right now, but I will get it posted in here tomorrow at work. Mostly I was hoping there might be a known issue & workaround.

The PLC is a ControlLogix, the touch panel is a Pro-Face running XP. I'll update with the model tomorrow. When I try to run the built app on the Pro-Face the app immediately crashes. The communication test app I wrote just had 4 tags being read into 4 BasicLabels - 1 controller tag & 3 program tags. It worked flawlessly & was able to read & write fine.  After adding a few more controls it began crashing as described. I haven't had time to try adding & removing things to see if it is something specific. The issue does NOT manifest itself on the laptop running XP that I'm using to write the app.

Don't know if this will help, but the data that comes up on the error report dialog is:
Error signature
BCCode: 1000008e
BCP1: 80000004
BCP2: 806EDAE1
BCP3: 9AFF975C
BCP4: 00000000
OSVer: 5_1_2600
SP: 3_0
Product: 256_1

As I say I'll try to get more information on the panel model, etc. Hoping it's a known issue with a known fix, though!

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