AdvancedHMI Software
General Category => Support Questions => Topic started by: MrPike on June 01, 2018, 05:36:45 PM
Archie, I am creating an app that reads the eventlog of a device over ModbusTCP with 3.99YBeta10. I have an issue that forces me to read the event description to determine if an event has occurred. This is given by the controller as a 30 character string and I have the valuechanged event of that string to count the number of times it changes. But what I find is this is too slow and several events can occur in reality but I only catch some of them. It is my belief its due to the reading of a long string that takes too long. I think reading a straight integer value may be quicker but not sure how to get one fired event for several registers in a row. I have tried a datasubscriber2 so I can get the whole length of the string but this causes a fired event for each register which in this case is 15 so this gives me too many events for one occurrence. How do you suggest I can accurately and quickly read 15 consecutive registers and get one event so I can keep count of my event changes? Thank you.
To me, that sounds like using a DataSubscriber2 and its DataChanged event.
After you enter the first address of this range then instead of subscribing to 1 element you would change it to 15.
This event is fired only when the data changes.