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Messages - gustavson

Pages: [1]
Thanks Archie. Got it working using the default string type and it's all good.

Open Discussion / Reading and Writing a STRING_30 Data Type with CLX
« on: July 06, 2014, 06:49:39 PM »

First of all ,thank you for providing such a great tool!

After testing reading and writing options to a ControlLogix PLC using the EthernetIPforCLXCom1 driver, I came to an issue. I can't read or write to a STRING_30 data type tag. It's an Overflow Exception that is triggered and I wonder if my call is wrong, or perhaps it is not possible to read/write to these data types as yet.

What I'm doing is simply trying to read a tag like this:


and for writing:

EthernetIPforCLXCom1.Write("z_Test_String_30", "test")

I've also tried reading this tag as an array, like this:
EthernetIPforCLXCom1.Read("z_Test_String_30", 5), but still without any luck, I still get an Overflow Exception triggered in DLL(MyDLLInstance).ReadTagValue(PLCAddressByTNS(Sequencenumbershort), numberOfElements, CUShort(SequenceNumber))

Could anyone help me clarifying this please? Thanks.


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