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Topics - nittanyrawrlion

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Open Discussion / Controlling USB Relays via AdvancedHMI?
« on: October 30, 2014, 02:18:20 PM »
I was wondering if anyone had any experience using AdvancedHMI for controlling USB-connected relays? It seems like immersible powerful software but for my applications simple relays will suffice; PLC is a bit overkill. At the same time, I'm worried the AdvancedHMI might be too powerful to control this too. I do like the graphical design and I'm familiar with VB so it seems like my easiest solution for our application.

I found this particular relay that seems like it would work perfectly for my application:

I would like to use maybe two of these relay boards. My concern is whether or not I would be able to install the driver the manufacturer provides to use within AdvancedHMI and if so, would I be able to identify each board via a set COM port? I know AdvancedHMI is built for MODBUS and TCP/IP so I don't know how that would fly.

If it would be a no-go, any tips on what software or hardware? I'm looking to have just on/off switches for equipment with a very simple interface for my operators.

Thank you!

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